Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Web 2.0

Web 2.0

With the turn of the century and the internet looking like a very promising tool, a large focus in technology was advancing the computer system to make it easier and easier for the American public to use. I can remember the days when my dial up AOL subscription took for-ev-er to load on my old Dell desktop computer. More importantly though, I can remember Computer Class every other Friday when I was in elementary school. We had huge, grey Apple computers and there was one boy in the class who was this computer whiz and we all went to him for help. That's when I learned how to cut and paste! Also, I remember before we got a computer at my house, I had no experience typing on a keyboard so I used to have my friend type my essays in 6th and 7th grade English class so I could get done faster.

Now the new age of the internet and computers as well is advancing more rapidly every day. Web 2.0 which consists of things like high speed broadband internet, social networking groups such as Facebook and now Twitter, and Google as opposed to Netscape is a great generation for today's elementary students to grow up in. There are 5 year old children who know more about computers than my mom! And for me, Web 2.0 is going to take over the mainstream media eventually, it is predicted. So I'm thinking I made a good major choice. Amazing.

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