Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Oh The Luck of the Irish

Today when I left my apartment in downtown Erie and made my way to my Documentary Production class, State St. was swamped with people in green. Mercyhurst was like a ghost town. I found a parking spot with no problem!!!! It must've been the luck of the Irish. After watching this killer documentary on the 1980 Olympic Hockey Team I decided to take a drive down to Presque Isle. It was actually so peaceful down there. I love to just drive around the peninsula and in the summer get out and play or lay on the beach whenever I can. I wish I had figured out how to take still photos on my FLip Video camera because I wanted to post them on here. It was so pretty outside. And I also had to wait for a goose to cross the road. He held up quite a bit of traffic.

St. Patrick's day is also my grandpa's birthday. He passed away a few years ago but I always think about him today a lot. His middle name was Patrick!!! Pretty cool, huh? I really miss him :(

And now my roommates are partying already and I'm trying to finish up some homework before I head out for the night. I hope Erie's college population isn't too incredibly obnoxious.


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