Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just Another Day

Wow! This class is eating me alive!!!! Soooo many things to do...blogger, photobucket and now delicious. YIKES!!!! It's 11:25 pm and here I sit in the library working on some homework assignments that had to get done. Thurdays and Friday's are like totally the worst days of the week for me (other than sat and sun) because I have to go to class all day and then immediately to work. Simply put, it blows.

I'm starting to hate my job more and more every day. Especially tonight. I work at Max and Erma's restaurant and tonight we had a proceed (basically a fundraiser) for Walnut Creek school and it was super slammed. However, every table I waited on was so rude and NEEDY I wanted to scream! The people from this school district were the most unpleasant bunch of customers I have ever waited on in my life. Apparently they need to teach manners at Walnut Creek. Needless to say, by the end of the night, I was thinking so little of this school's students and more importantly the parents it was outrageous. Hope they're proud of themselves.

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