Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th...oooh...SPOOKY! Set my alarm for 9:30; didn't hear it until 10:13??? What a stellar start! A day for bad things to happen. Typically a day when someone like me should hide under her bed!!! It wouldn't surprise me if the myth of the day came true.
So I was just looking through all of my syllabi for the last trimester of Junior year and I realized that my life is going to probably spiral out of control. Every class is loaded full of projects, papers, and daily assignments. Including this blog. I'm thoroughly  excited though because I'm finally getting into all of my Comm. classes which is why I've been paying to attend Mercyhurst for the past 2 and a 1/2 years. No more waste-of-time classes that I don't care about. 
However, with all of these new exciting classes it makes me wonder what I'm really going to do in my life. First I was leaning towards the production aspect of broadcasting but now I kinda want to be a copy-editor because I think that while it may not be as exciting, the market will probably be less competitive. And I can rock it out. Basically. And regardless of my occupation, I MUST live in New York City. That is the goal.  But I guess we'll see where this New Media class takes me. 
Just bought a new Flip Video camera, got a new laptop for my birthday and I'm about to get a Blackberry once my contract is up at AT&T in a month. Woo hoo!!! Perhaps all of these gadgets will pique my interest as a web designer or something. 

It appears that we aren't having class today, either. Considering it should have started 25 minutes ago. I guess I missed that memo.  Maybe today won't be so unlucky after all. 

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