Thursday, April 23, 2009


Wow it's been a while since I've written in this thing. Nothing much is is getting more stressful everyday and it seems as though someone is playing a sick joke on me. I honestly cannot handle anymore assignments. This week I could barely keep my eyes open, I was so tired every day. And I work so much, sometimes I think that nobody else does because it's impossible to go to work, do all homework, go to all classes and not end up totally sick and tired and miserable. I've been missing a few classes here and there, but sometimes I physically cannot get up because I am soooo tired. Sleepy and physically tired. In any case, my sanity is the top priority in life so if that means I must miss a day of school then so be it. The world will go on. My roommate's another story It's supposed to be nice and warm this weekend and tomorrow I'm going on a picnic!!! woot woot. Can't wait to not be freezing. My roommates and co. are out at the bar for the third time this week. I like it when they go because I can do my work in peace. And I can clean without having to clean around them. hahaha. Ughhhhhhhhhhh I'm currently avoiding writing my choice editorial for tomorrow even though it should be pretty easy. Although I thought other assignments this term were going to be easy and I thought I did a good job on them only to find I did them completely wrong. Maybe my roommate has the right idea. It's better to fail knowing you never even tried once than to fail knowing you put effort into something.

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